Lawrence Davin
Production & coproduction

received a bachelor’s degree in finance and worked in banking and financial services in New York City for 15 years. He was series 7 licensed as a Stock Broker and has a strong background in sales. His client base consisted of many notable artists on the New York scene including the Coen Brothers. He attended film school at the New School for Social Research in NYC and has worked in many aspects of film production including writing, photography and producing. He has lived in Central America and currently divides his time between Mexico and Europe.

“Be creative”

Karla Enriquez
International sales, project analyzer and facilitator

was born in Mexico City. She studied screenplay writing at the Mexico City Cinematographic Training Center (CCC) and at the Writers School (SOGEM). She worked for producer Eugenio Derbez as an screenwriter and storyboard artist for student short films. Additional experience was gained after having studied music, visual arts and conceptual arts in Mexico, Germany and France. For more than 5 years she opened the sales area at Chapulin Films for Spanish-language films with a focus on the second distribution window.

“Artist deserve to be paid”

Gaby Sanchez
Academic coordinator

Gaby Sanchez is a linguistic blacksmith who hails from the heart of Mexico City. Since ’97, Gaby has been forging a language practice around English and Spanish, hammering words into tools – whether they be swords, scalpels, or chandeliers – in order to better furnish multicultural communication!

When not sweating at the language forge, Gaby can be found exploring the intricate patterns of history, trying to find clues to the multiverse, or daydreaming of the ocean. 


“Keep curious! ”